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Chinese Hamster


The Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) is the least popular species kept as pets, but are a lovely and very enjoyable hamster to own. These hasmters look very similar to mice however are very unique and quite different. 



First appearances of the Chinese Hamster were recorded in 1900. Then they were later kept and used in laboratories in the United Kingdom. Chinese Hamsters were introduced into the UK pet market in the 1960s. Interest in Chinese Hamsters as a pet grew in the 1970s when the Campbell's Russian dwarf hamster were introduced to the pet market. These hamsters were discovered in Northern China and were found in parts of Mongolia.


Common Misunderstandings:

  • I've heard many people say that Chinese hamsters are the most agressive species of hamster, yet this is not true at all. Behavior depends on a hamster's background and personality.

  • False: Chinese hamsters are dwarf hamsters. True: Clearly, Chinese hamsters are in the hamster family. But they are not related to dwarf hamsters. Another way of showing this is by looking at their scientific names. The scientific names of the dwarf hamsters are Phodopus roborovskii, Phodopus sungorus, and Phodopus campbelli. Did you notice that they have anything in common? They all start with the word "Phodopus". In contrast, the Chinese hamster's scientific name starts with Cricetulus, therefore classifying them as a non-dwarf. 


Fur Types, Patterns, and Colors:

The average Chinese hamster has a shiny dark grayish-brownish coat with a distinct dorsal stripe, and a white stomach. However, there are a few other mutations such as agouti, dominant spot, and  black-eyed white. 


Basic Information:

  • Healthy weight: 1-1.5 oz (28-42g)

  • Length: 4-5 inches

  • Average lifespan: 2-3 years

  • Origin: Northern China, and Mongolia

  • Do not usually get along with others of their kind, yet in some cases can live in pairs

  • Crepescular, sometimes nocturnal






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